This is the weekly Wednesday afternoon class on the study of the Names and Attributes of Allah, azza wa jal, and how we understand them and act upon that understanding in our everyday lives. In this class we will be studying the Name Ar-Rabb.
This is our fifth class in this series. While this class is specifically given to the women, we encourage everyone to join us.
Brief study notes as well as monthly quizzes will be posted here on the blog. We ask Allah to reward our diligent sisters worldwide who contribute to these notes. May Allah raise them in rank and bless them in their time and good efforts. Aameen.
We encourage you to join us in our classes at Masjid at-Tawheed in Stone Mountain, GA. If you are not able to attend in person, you can listen in via ourSpreaker channel or our telelink line at 712-432-2856.
You may find additional classes, notes and quizzes as they are added by clicking the tag Fiqh al-Asmaa al-Husnaa below.